/* by Emailx45, 2021-Jul-17 - 17:42hrs Of course, my "frankstein" Stored Procedure can be better than this... but it works this way! */ SET TERM ^ ; create or alter procedure "prc_IP_To_Integer" ( X_MY_IP_FULL_ADDRESS varchar(100) not null) returns ( X_IP_PART1 varchar(3), X_IP_PART2 varchar(3), X_IP_PART3 varchar(3), X_IP_PART4 varchar(3), X_IP_PARTX_ERROR varchar(100), X_IP_BIGINT_VALUE bigint, X_ERROR_ON_IP_PARTX varchar(100)) as declare variable X_STRING_LEN integer; declare variable X_POS integer; declare variable X_IP_FULL varchar(100); declare variable X_IP_VALUE_MORE_THAN_255 integer; begin /* warning about "variable > n chars" ---> raise a exception because the "value" is more big than variable-size!!! then, i have defined variables with 100chars in some cases!!! */ x_ip_part1 = '0'; /* each IP part it should receive just "3" chars, else, will be raised a exception */ x_ip_part2 = '0'; /* more than 3char can raise a exception if "var = varchar(3) on definition" */ x_ip_part3 = '0'; x_ip_part4 = '0'; x_ip_bigint_value = 0; x_pos = 0; x_string_len = 0; x_ip_value_more_than_255 = 0; x_ip_full = x_my_ip_full_address; x_ip_partx_error = 'none'; x_error_on_ip_partx = '?'; /* */ /*x_my_ip_full_address = x_my_ip_full_address; ' ';*/ /* */ x_string_len = character_length(x_my_ip_full_address); /* */ if (x_string_len<1) then begin x_ip_full = x_my_ip_full_address; x_ip_partx_error = 'err: x_my_ip_full_address = empty'; x_error_on_ip_partx = 'err: all parts of ip informed!'; suspend; exit; end /* */ if (x_string_len>15) then begin x_ip_full = x_my_ip_full_address; x_ip_partx_error = 'err: x_my_ip_full_address with more than 15 chars'; x_error_on_ip_partx = 'err: all parts of ip informed!'; suspend; exit; end /******** x_ip_part1 BEGIN ********/ x_my_ip_full_address = replace(x_my_ip_full_address, ' ', ''); /* eliminating blank-spaces? */ x_string_len = character_length(x_my_ip_full_address); if (x_string_len=0) then begin x_ip_full = x_my_ip_full_address; x_error_on_ip_partx = 'err: "' || substring( x_my_ip_full_address from 1 for x_pos) ||'"'; x_ip_partx_error = 'err: x_ip_part1 will be empty'; suspend; exit; end /* */ x_pos = position('.', x_my_ip_full_address); if (x_pos < 2) then begin x_ip_full = x_my_ip_full_address; x_error_on_ip_partx = 'err: "' || substring( x_my_ip_full_address from 1 for x_pos) ||'"'; x_ip_partx_error = 'err: x_ip_part1 will be = "" or contain"." '; suspend; exit; end /* testing if the ip-part1 have more than 3chars... */ x_string_len = character_length( substring( x_my_ip_full_address from 1 for x_pos-1) ); if (x_string_len>3) then begin x_ip_part1 = '0'; x_ip_part2 = '0'; x_ip_part3 = '0'; x_ip_part4 = '0'; x_ip_bigint_value = 0; x_ip_full = x_my_ip_full_address; x_error_on_ip_partx = 'err: "' || substring( x_my_ip_full_address from 1 for x_pos-1) ||'"'; x_ip_partx_error = 'err: x_ip_part1 have more than 3 chars'; suspend; exit; end /* */ /* testing if the ip-part1 have value more than 255... */ x_ip_value_more_than_255 = cast( substring( x_my_ip_full_address from 1 for x_pos-1) as integer ); if (x_ip_value_more_than_255>255) then begin x_ip_part1 = '0'; x_ip_part2 = '0'; x_ip_part3 = '0'; x_ip_part4 = '0'; x_ip_bigint_value = 0; x_ip_full = x_my_ip_full_address; x_error_on_ip_partx = 'err: "' || substring( x_my_ip_full_address from 1 for x_pos-1) ||'"'; x_ip_partx_error = 'err: x_ip_part1 have value more than 255'; suspend; exit; end /* */ x_ip_part1 = substring( x_my_ip_full_address from 1 for x_pos-1); /******** x_ip_part1 END ********/ x_ip_bigint_value = x_ip_bigint_value + ((256*256*256) * cast(x_ip_part1 as integer)); /******** x_ip_part2 BEGIN ********/ x_string_len = character_length(x_ip_part1||'.'); x_my_ip_full_address = substring( x_my_ip_full_address from (x_string_len+1)); /*******************/ x_string_len = character_length(x_my_ip_full_address); if (x_string_len=0) then begin x_ip_part1 = '0'; x_ip_part2 = '0'; x_ip_part3 = '0'; x_ip_part4 = '0'; x_ip_bigint_value = 0; x_ip_full = x_my_ip_full_address; x_error_on_ip_partx = 'err: "' || substring( x_my_ip_full_address from 1 for x_pos) ||'"'; x_ip_partx_error = 'err: x_ip_part2 will be empty'; suspend; exit; end /* */ x_pos = position('.', x_my_ip_full_address); if (x_pos < 2) then begin x_ip_part1 = '0'; x_ip_part2 = '0'; x_ip_part3 = '0'; x_ip_part4 = '0'; x_ip_bigint_value = 0; x_ip_full = x_my_ip_full_address; x_error_on_ip_partx = 'err: "' || substring( x_my_ip_full_address from 1 for x_pos) ||'"'; x_ip_partx_error = 'err: x_ip_part2 will be = "" or contain"." '; suspend; exit; end /* testing if the ip-part2 have more than 3chars... */ x_string_len = character_length( substring( x_my_ip_full_address from 1 for x_pos-1) ); if (x_string_len>3) then begin x_ip_part1 = '0'; x_ip_part2 = '0'; x_ip_part3 = '0'; x_ip_part4 = '0'; x_ip_bigint_value = 0; x_ip_full = x_my_ip_full_address; x_error_on_ip_partx = 'err: "' || substring( x_my_ip_full_address from 1 for x_pos-1) ||'"'; x_ip_partx_error = 'err: x_ip_part2 have more than 3 chars'; suspend; exit; end /* */ /* testing if the ip-part1 have value more than 255... */ x_ip_value_more_than_255 = cast( substring( x_my_ip_full_address from 1 for x_pos-1) as integer ); if (x_ip_value_more_than_255>255) then begin x_ip_part1 = '0'; x_ip_part2 = '0'; x_ip_part3 = '0'; x_ip_part4 = '0'; x_ip_bigint_value = 0; x_ip_full = x_my_ip_full_address; x_error_on_ip_partx = 'err: "' || substring( x_my_ip_full_address from 1 for x_pos-1) ||'"'; x_ip_partx_error = 'err: x_ip_part2 have value more than 255'; suspend; exit; end /* */ x_ip_part2 = substring( x_my_ip_full_address from 1 for x_pos-1); /******** x_ip_part2 END ********/ x_ip_bigint_value = x_ip_bigint_value + ((256*256) * cast(x_ip_part2 as integer)); /******** x_ip_part3 BEGIN ********/ x_string_len = character_length(x_ip_part2||'.'); x_my_ip_full_address = substring( x_my_ip_full_address from (x_string_len+1)); /*******************/ x_string_len = character_length(x_my_ip_full_address); if (x_string_len=0) then begin x_ip_part1 = '0'; x_ip_part2 = '0'; x_ip_part3 = '0'; x_ip_part4 = '0'; x_ip_bigint_value = 0; x_ip_full = x_my_ip_full_address; x_error_on_ip_partx = 'err: "' || substring( x_my_ip_full_address from 1 for x_pos) ||'"'; x_ip_partx_error = 'err: x_ip_part3 will be empty'; suspend; exit; end /* */ x_pos = position('.', x_my_ip_full_address); if (x_pos < 2) then begin x_ip_part1 = '0'; x_ip_part2 = '0'; x_ip_part3 = '0'; x_ip_part4 = '0'; x_ip_bigint_value = 0; x_ip_full = x_my_ip_full_address; x_error_on_ip_partx = 'err: "' || substring( x_my_ip_full_address from 1 for x_pos) ||'"'; x_ip_partx_error = 'err: x_ip_part3 will be = "" or contain"." '; suspend; exit; end /* testing if the ip-part3 have more than 3chars... */ x_string_len = character_length( substring( x_my_ip_full_address from 1 for x_pos-1) ); if (x_string_len>3) then begin x_ip_part1 = '0'; x_ip_part2 = '0'; x_ip_part3 = '0'; x_ip_part4 = '0'; x_ip_bigint_value = 0; x_ip_full = x_my_ip_full_address; x_error_on_ip_partx = 'err: "' || substring( x_my_ip_full_address from 1 for x_pos-1) ||'"'; x_ip_partx_error = 'err: x_ip_part3 have more than 3 chars'; suspend; exit; end /* */ /* testing if the ip-part1 have value more than 255... */ x_ip_value_more_than_255 = cast( substring( x_my_ip_full_address from 1 for x_pos-1) as integer ); if (x_ip_value_more_than_255>255) then begin x_ip_part1 = '0'; x_ip_part2 = '0'; x_ip_part3 = '0'; x_ip_part4 = '0'; x_ip_bigint_value = 0; x_ip_full = x_my_ip_full_address; x_error_on_ip_partx = 'err: "' || substring( x_my_ip_full_address from 1 for x_pos-1) ||'"'; x_ip_partx_error = 'err: x_ip_part3 have value more than 255'; suspend; exit; end /* */ x_ip_part3 = substring( x_my_ip_full_address from 1 for x_pos-1); /******** x_ip_part3 END ********/ x_ip_bigint_value = x_ip_bigint_value + (256 * cast(x_ip_part3 as integer)); /******** x_ip_part4 BEGIN ********/ x_string_len = character_length(x_ip_part3||'.'); x_my_ip_full_address = substring( x_my_ip_full_address from (x_string_len+1)); /*******************/ x_string_len = character_length(x_my_ip_full_address); if (x_string_len=0) then begin x_ip_part1 = '0'; x_ip_part2 = '0'; x_ip_part3 = '0'; x_ip_part4 = '0'; x_ip_bigint_value = 0; x_ip_full = x_my_ip_full_address; x_error_on_ip_partx = 'err: "' || substring( x_my_ip_full_address from 1 for x_pos) ||'"'; x_ip_partx_error = 'err: x_ip_part4 will be empty'; suspend; exit; end /* testing if the ip-part4 have more than 3chars... */ x_string_len = character_length( substring( x_my_ip_full_address from 1) ); if (x_string_len>3) then begin x_ip_part1 = '0'; x_ip_part2 = '0'; x_ip_part3 = '0'; x_ip_part4 = '0'; x_ip_bigint_value = 0; x_ip_full = x_my_ip_full_address; x_error_on_ip_partx = 'err: "' || substring( x_my_ip_full_address from 1) ||'"'; x_ip_partx_error = 'err: x_ip_part4 have more than 3 chars'; suspend; exit; end /* */ /* testing if the ip-part1 have value more than 255... */ x_ip_value_more_than_255 = cast( substring( x_my_ip_full_address from 1 for x_pos-1) as integer ); if (x_ip_value_more_than_255>255) then begin x_ip_part1 = '0'; x_ip_part2 = '0'; x_ip_part3 = '0'; x_ip_part4 = '0'; x_ip_bigint_value = 0; x_ip_full = x_my_ip_full_address; x_error_on_ip_partx = 'err: "' || substring( x_my_ip_full_address from 1 for x_pos-1) ||'"'; x_ip_partx_error = 'err: x_ip_part4 have value more than 255'; suspend; exit; end /* */ x_ip_part4 = substring( x_my_ip_full_address from 1); /* avoid catch more than 3chars*/ x_string_len = character_length(x_ip_part4); /* */ x_ip_bigint_value = (x_ip_bigint_value + cast(x_ip_part4 as integer)); x_ip_partx_error = 'IP Address OK'; /* */ suspend; end^ SET TERM ; ^ /* Existing privileges on this procedure */ GRANT EXECUTE ON PROCEDURE "prc_IP_To_Integer" TO SYSDBA;