unit HCSocket; interface uses System.Classes, System.Generics.Collections, Net.CrossSocket, Net.CrossSocket.Base, utils_buffer; type THCRDataEvent = procedure(const AConnection: ICrossConnection; const ADataStream: TBytesStream) of object; THCRErrorEvent = procedure(const AError: string) of object; IHCRSocket = interface(ICrossSocket) function GetActive: Boolean; procedure SetActive(const Value: Boolean); function GetGraceful: Boolean; procedure SetGraceful(const Value: Boolean); function GetPort: Integer; procedure SetPort(const Value: Integer); function GetHost: string; procedure SetHost(const Value: string); function GetOnReceivedData: THCRDataEvent; procedure SetOnReceivedData(const Value: THCRDataEvent); function GetOnError: THCRErrorEvent; procedure SetOnError(const Value: THCRErrorEvent); procedure PostStream(var AStream: TBytesStream; const AConnectionIndex: Integer = 0); overload; procedure PostStream(var AStream: TBytesStream; const AConnection: ICrossConnection); overload; property Active: Boolean read GetActive write SetActive; property Graceful: Boolean read GetGraceful write SetGraceful; property Port: Integer read GetPort write SetPort; property Host: string read GetHost write SetHost; property OnReceiveData: THCRDataEvent read GetOnReceivedData write SetOnReceivedData; property OnError: THCRErrorEvent read GetOnError write SetOnError; end; THCRSocket = class(TCrossSocket, IHCRSocket) strict private FHost: string; FPort: Integer; FGraceful: Boolean; FOnReceivedData, FOnSentData: THCRDataEvent; FOnError: THCRErrorEvent; function DecodeRecvBuffer(const ABuffer: TBufferLink): TObject; protected function GetActive: Boolean; virtual; procedure SetActive(const Value: Boolean); virtual; procedure LogicConnected(AConnection: ICrossConnection); override; procedure LogicDisconnected(AConnection: ICrossConnection); override; procedure LogicReceived(AConnection: ICrossConnection; ABuf: Pointer; ALen: Integer); override; function GetHost: string; procedure SetHost(const Value: string); function GetPort: Integer; procedure SetPort(const Value: Integer); function GetGraceful: Boolean; procedure SetGraceful(const Value: Boolean); function GetOnReceivedData: THCRDataEvent; procedure SetOnReceivedData(const Value: THCRDataEvent); function GetOnError: THCRErrorEvent; procedure SetOnError(const Value: THCRErrorEvent); public constructor Create; virtual; destructor Destroy; override; procedure PostStream(var AStream: TBytesStream; const AConnectionIndex: Integer = 0); overload; procedure PostStream(var AStream: TBytesStream; const AConnection: ICrossConnection); overload; property Active: Boolean read GetActive write SetActive; property Graceful: Boolean read GetGraceful write SetGraceful; property Host: string read GetHost write SetHost; property Port: Integer read GetPort write SetPort; property OnReceiveData: THCRDataEvent read GetOnReceivedData write SetOnReceivedData; property OnError: THCRErrorEvent read GetOnError write SetOnError; end; THCRServer = class(THCRSocket) private FActive: Boolean; protected function GetActive: Boolean; override; procedure SetActive(const Value: Boolean); override; public constructor Create; override; end; THCRClient = class(THCRSocket) private FActive: Boolean; protected function GetActive: Boolean; override; procedure SetActive(const Value: Boolean); override; public constructor Create; override; end; function LocalIP: String; function IsLegalIP(const AIP: string): Boolean; function GetIPSection(const AIP: string): string; implementation uses System.SysUtils, Winapi.Winsock2; function LocalIP: String; type TaPInAddr = Array[0..10] of PInAddr; PaPInAddr = ^TaPInAddr; var phe: PHostEnt; pptr: PaPInAddr; Buffer: Array[0..63] of AnsiChar; i: Integer; GInitData: TWSAData; begin WSAStartup($101, GInitData); try Result := ''; GetHostName(Buffer, SizeOf(Buffer)); phe := GetHostByName(buffer); if phe = nil then Exit; pPtr := PaPInAddr(phe^.h_addr_list); i := 0; while pPtr^[i] <> nil do begin Result := inet_ntoa(pptr^[i]^); Inc(i); end; finally WSACleanup; end; end; { 检查IP地址是否合法 } function IsLegalIP(const AIP: string): Boolean; { 获得子字符串在父字符串中出现的次数 } function GetSubStrCount(ASubStr, AParentStr: string): integer; begin Result := 0; while Pos(UpperCase(ASubStr), UpperCase(AParentStr)) <> 0 do begin AParentStr := Copy(AParentStr, Pos(ASubStr, AParentStr) + 1, Length(AParentStr)); //假设s2最大长度为9999个字符 Result := Result + 1; end; end; begin {if inet_addr(PAnsiChar(AIP))=INADDR_NONE then Result := False else} if (GetSubStrCount('.', AIP) = 3) and (Longword(inet_addr(PAnsiChar(AnsiString(AIP)))) <> INADDR_NONE) then Result := True else Result := False; end; function GetIPSection(const AIP: string): string; var i: Integer; begin Result := ''; for i := Length(AIP) downto 1 do begin if AIP[i] = '.' then begin Result := Copy(AIP, 1, i) + '1'; Break; end; end; end; { THCRSocket } constructor THCRSocket.Create; begin inherited Create(0); FHost := ''; FPort := 0; FGraceful := True; end; function THCRSocket.DecodeRecvBuffer(const ABuffer: TBufferLink): TObject; var vDataSize, vLen: Cardinal; vDataProtoVer: Byte; begin Result := nil; if ABuffer.validCount < SizeOf(Cardinal) then Exit; // 缓存中的数据长度不够表示数据长度 ABuffer.MarkReaderIndex; // 记录读取位置 ABuffer.ReadBuffer(@vDataSize, SizeOf(vDataSize)); // 数据长度 if vDataSize > 0 then begin if ABuffer.ValidCount < vDataSize - SizeOf(vDataSize) then // 不够完整的数据 begin ABuffer.restoreReaderIndex; Exit; end; ABuffer.ReadBuffer(@vDataProtoVer, SizeOf(vDataProtoVer)); // 读数据协议 vLen := vDataSize - SizeOf(vDataSize) - SizeOf(vDataProtoVer); Result := TBytesStream.Create; TBytesStream(Result).SetSize(vLen); ABuffer.ReadBuffer(TMemoryStream(Result).Memory, vLen); TBytesStream(Result).Position := 0; {if FVerifyData then // 校验 begin vActVerifyValue := VerifyData(TMemoryStream(Result).Memory^, vDataLen); if vVerifyValue <> vActVerifyValue then begin sfLogger.logMessage(IntToHex(vVerifyValue) + '-' + IntToHex(vActVerifyValue)); raise Exception.Create(strRecvException_VerifyErr); end; end;} //清理缓存<如果没有可用的内存块>清理 if ABuffer.ValidCount = 0 then ABuffer.ClearBuffer else ABuffer.ClearHaveReadBuffer; end else // 不够完整 begin Result := nil; ABuffer.restoreReaderIndex; end; end; destructor THCRSocket.Destroy; begin Active := False; Self.StopLoop; inherited Destroy; end; function THCRSocket.GetActive: Boolean; begin Result := False; end; function THCRSocket.GetGraceful: Boolean; begin Result := FGraceful; end; function THCRSocket.GetHost: string; begin Result := FHost; end; function THCRSocket.GetOnError: THCRErrorEvent; begin Result := FOnError; end; function THCRSocket.GetOnReceivedData: THCRDataEvent; begin Result := FOnReceivedData; end; function THCRSocket.GetPort: Integer; begin Result := FPort; end; procedure THCRSocket.LogicConnected(AConnection: ICrossConnection); begin inherited LogicConnected(AConnection); AConnection.UserObject := TBufferLink.Create; end; procedure THCRSocket.LogicDisconnected(AConnection: ICrossConnection); begin inherited LogicDisconnected(AConnection); Active := False; if Assigned(AConnection.UserObject) then TBufferLink(AConnection.UserObject).Free; end; procedure THCRSocket.LogicReceived(AConnection: ICrossConnection; ABuf: Pointer; ALen: Integer); var vRecvBuffer: TBufferLink; vDecodeObj: TObject; begin inherited LogicReceived(AConnection, ABuf, ALen); vRecvBuffer := AConnection.UserObject as TBufferLink; vRecvBuffer.AddBuffer(ABuf, ALen); vDecodeObj := DecodeRecvBuffer(vRecvBuffer); if Integer(vDecodeObj) = -1 then // 错误的包格式, 关闭连接 begin Active := False; Exit; end else if vDecodeObj <> nil then begin try if Assigned(FOnReceivedData) then FOnReceivedData(AConnection, TBytesStream(vDecodeObj)); finally TBytesStream(vDecodeObj).Free; end; end; end; procedure THCRSocket.PostStream(var AStream: TBytesStream; const AConnectionIndex: Integer = 0); var vConns: TArray; begin if AStream.Size = 0 then Exit; vConns := LockConnections.Values.ToArray; try if Assigned(vConns) then begin if (AConnectionIndex >= 0) and (AConnectionIndex <= Length(vConns)) then PostStream(AStream, vConns[AConnectionIndex]); end; finally UnlockConnections; end; end; procedure THCRSocket.PostStream(var AStream: TBytesStream; const AConnection: ICrossConnection); var vStream: TBytesStream; begin if AStream.Size = 0 then Exit; vStream := AStream; AConnection.SendStream(AStream, procedure(AConnection: ICrossConnection; ASuccess: Boolean) begin vStream.Free; end); end; procedure THCRSocket.SetActive(const Value: Boolean); begin end; procedure THCRSocket.SetGraceful(const Value: Boolean); begin FGraceful := Value; end; procedure THCRSocket.SetHost(const Value: string); begin FHost := Value; end; procedure THCRSocket.SetOnError(const Value: THCRErrorEvent); begin FOnError := Value; end; procedure THCRSocket.SetOnReceivedData(const Value: THCRDataEvent); begin FOnReceivedData := Value; end; procedure THCRSocket.SetPort(const Value: Integer); begin FPort := Value; end; { THCRServer } constructor THCRServer.Create; begin inherited Create; FActive := False; end; function THCRServer.GetActive: Boolean; begin Result := FActive; end; procedure THCRServer.SetActive(const Value: Boolean); begin if FActive <> Value then begin FActive := Value; if FActive then begin Self.Listen('', Port, procedure(AListen: ICrossListen; ASuccess: Boolean) begin FActive := ASuccess; if not FActive then begin if Assigned(OnError) then OnError('服务端启动失败!'); end; end); end else begin if Graceful then DisconnectAll else CloseAllConnections; end; inherited SetActive(FActive); end; end; { THCRClient } constructor THCRClient.Create; begin inherited Create; FActive := False; end; function THCRClient.GetActive: Boolean; begin Result := FActive; end; procedure THCRClient.SetActive(const Value: Boolean); begin if FActive <> Value then begin FActive := Value; if FActive then begin Self.Connect(Host, Port, procedure(AConnection: ICrossConnection; ASuccess: Boolean) begin FActive := ASuccess; if not FActive then begin if Assigned(OnError) then OnError('连接失败!'); end; end); end else begin if Graceful then DisconnectAll else CloseAllConnections; end; inherited SetActive(FActive); end; end; { TRecvData } //constructor TRecvData.Create; //begin // inherited Create; // Size := 0; // Offset := 0; // Stream := TBytesStream.Create; //end; // //destructor TRecvData.Destroy; //begin // Stream.Free; // inherited Destroy; //end; end.