unit CheckMem; //Add it to the first line of project uses interface procedure SnapCurrMemStatToFile(Filename: string); implementation uses Windows, SysUtils, TypInfo; const MaxCount = High(Word); var OldMemMgr: TMemoryManager; ObjList: array[0..MaxCount] of Pointer; FreeInList: Integer = 0; GetMemCount: Integer = 0; FreeMemCount: Integer = 0; ReallocMemCount: Integer = 0; procedure AddToList(P: Pointer); begin if FreeInList > High(ObjList) then begin MessageBox(0, '内存管理监视器指针列表溢出,请增大列表项数!', '内存管理监视器', mb_ok); Exit; end; ObjList[FreeInList] := P; Inc(FreeInList); end; procedure RemoveFromList(P: Pointer); var I: Integer; begin for I := 0 to FreeInList - 1 do if ObjList[I] = P then begin Dec(FreeInList); Move(ObjList[I + 1], ObjList[I], (FreeInList - I) * SizeOf(Pointer)); Exit; end; end; procedure SnapCurrMemStatToFile(Filename: string); const FIELD_WIDTH = 20; var OutFile: TextFile; I, CurrFree, BlockSize: Integer; HeapStatus: THeapStatus; Item: TObject; ptd: PTypeData; ppi: PPropInfo; procedure Output(Text: string; Value: integer); begin Writeln(OutFile, Text: FIELD_WIDTH, Value div 1024, ' KB(', Value, ' Byte)'); end; begin AssignFile(OutFile, Filename); try if FileExists(Filename) then begin Append(OutFile); Writeln(OutFile); end else Rewrite(OutFile); CurrFree := FreeInList; HeapStatus := GetHeapStatus; { 局部堆状态 } with HeapStatus do begin Writeln(OutFile, '===== ', ExtractFileName(ParamStr(0)), ',', DateTimeToStr(Now), ' ====='); Writeln(OutFile); Output('可用地址空间 : ', TotalAddrSpace); Output('未提交部分 : ', TotalUncommitted); Output('已提交部分 : ', TotalCommitted); Output('空闲部分 : ', TotalFree); Output('已分配部分 : ', TotalAllocated); Output('全部小空闲内存块 : ', FreeSmall); Output('全部大空闲内存块 : ', FreeBig); Output('其它未用内存块 : ', Unused); Output('内存管理器消耗 : ', Overhead); Writeln(OutFile, '地址空间载入 : ': FIELD_WIDTH, TotalAllocated div (TotalAddrSpace div 100), '%'); end; Writeln(OutFile); Writeln(OutFile, Format('当前出现 %d 处内存漏洞 :', [GetMemCount - FreeMemCount])); for I := 0 to CurrFree - 1 do begin Write(OutFile, I: 4, ') ', IntToHex(Cardinal(ObjList[I]), 16), ' - '); BlockSize := PDWORD(DWORD(ObjList[I]) - 4)^; Write(OutFile, BlockSize: 4, '($' + IntToHex(BlockSize, 4) + ')字节', ' - '); try Item := TObject(ObjList[I]); if PTypeInfo(Item.ClassInfo).Kind <> tkClass then { type info technique } write(OutFile, '不是对象') else begin ptd := GetTypeData(PTypeInfo(Item.ClassInfo)); ppi := GetPropInfo(PTypeInfo(Item.ClassInfo), 'Name'); { 如果是TComponent } if ppi <> nil then begin write(OutFile, GetStrProp(Item, ppi)); write(OutFile, ' : '); end else write(OutFile, '(未命名): '); Write(OutFile, Item.ClassName, ' (', ptd.ClassType.InstanceSize, ' 字节) - In ', ptd.UnitName, '.pas'); end except on Exception do write(OutFile, '不是对象'); end; writeln(OutFile); end; finally CloseFile(OutFile); end; end; function NewGetMem(Size: Integer): Pointer; begin Inc(GetMemCount); Result := OldMemMgr.GetMem(Size); AddToList(Result); end; function NewFreeMem(P: Pointer): Integer; begin Inc(FreeMemCount); Result := OldMemMgr.FreeMem(P); RemoveFromList(P); end; function NewReallocMem(P: Pointer; Size: Integer): Pointer; begin Inc(ReallocMemCount); Result := OldMemMgr.ReallocMem(P, Size); RemoveFromList(P); AddToList(Result); end; const NewMemMgr: TMemoryManager =( GetMem: NewGetMem; FreeMem: NewFreeMem; ReallocMem: NewReallocMem); initialization GetMemoryManager(OldMemMgr); SetMemoryManager(NewMemMgr); finalization SetMemoryManager(OldMemMgr); if (GetMemCount - FreeMemCount) <> 0 then SnapCurrMemStatToFile(ExtractFileDir(ParamStr(0)) + '\CheckMemory.Log'); end.